Freitag, 24. Mai 2013


My last week in Binghamton is over. I will be leaving in 3 hrs. Mike is gonna pick us up on his way from New Jersey to Buffalo.

I woke up pretty early today despite the fact that I went to bed at around 4am because we spent our last night at Muhammads smoking Shisha and drinking Martini.
Slighty hungover but more or less satisfied because I am able to close my backpack and it does not exceed the 23kg limitation.
You wanna see some nice pictures from the hike we did on Wednesday in the Robert H. Treman State Park?

Sure you do!
Here you go:

and these are from last night:

Donnerstag, 16. Mai 2013

Bienvenido a Miami

What is there to say after coming back from vacation in Miami except: I miss the sun and I want to go back! Seriously? I loved it. I have to admit, though, that I have never seen so many fake boobs, silicon lips and made noses in my lifetime. BAM! You were not even able to look away. Sometimes I had to move out of the way just for some one else's boobs. Everywhere! I shit you not.

This sums it up quiet nicely:

But also the cars. Holy shit. I loved every single one of them. Cars so expensive you won't believe it and the
people in them. Hilarious! I felt so out of place, so foreign, so much given away in my otherness by my naturalness and white skin. It almost felt like I was protesting (although even if I wanted to fit in, concerning the skin tone that is, I would not be able to, since my 'brown' is not even on their color palette) against their body cult.

SPF 70 protected me againt skin damage. But on the first day I forgot to put it on my feet. The result is quiet visible in this lovely picture of me an Katharina strolling around at night (and also proof, that SPF 70 is really necessary for me). Man beachte bitte den wunderbaren Farbverlauf.
This happended while we were doing this:

Basically that is all we did. Doing stuff at the beach. I finally got around to do some reading. Fun reading. Books that I chose and that I am genuinely interested in.
This is my book of choice right now:
I love it and highly recommend it for those of you interested in a mix of neurosciences and the humanities and arts.

Miami was a fun place. I spare you all the boring details of how the sun was always shining and the temperature never went lower than 25 degrees Celcius and how nice the Ocean Drive was at night. bla bla bla. Instead I just show you some pictures.

Next to us even the waste bin looks glamorous.

While we were in Miami it snowed in Binghamton. Snow!
Now we are back and it's 24 degrees and sunny. Alles richtig gemacht würde ich mal sagen.

Now just one more final week until we all (excecpt Sina, since she's leaving for good on Saturday) leave for Buffalo and then Canada next Friday.
At the end of May I'll be leaving for Ecuador from Toronto to visit Paula and her family. It's impossible for me to tell you in words how much I am looking forward to that.

 ok, reality check

and good bye!